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MI Band Notify PRO - mc group

MI Band Notify PRO [Download]
Price : $1.12
Seller : mc group

****** FOR NEW USERS: PLEASE INSTALL NEW APP VERSION - Mi Band Notify V2 ****** PRO app and V2 have the same features, the only difference is in-app purchase instead paid app mode. You don't have to buy two time the same app if you want upgrade to V2 version. New mi band 1.1 version (white led only) is supported only by Mi Band Notify V2 app, please use new app. For any other question or support contact me Your Mi Band will vibrate and flash with your custom color when you receive a notification on your smartphone, you'll never miss any call or your friends' messages. You can personalize the color of all incoming and missed calls and you will instantly be notified each time you receive an SMS or a Whatsapp message. At installation this App will search and pair automatically with your Mi Band (please allow 1-2 minutes first time to find device). No need to do anything else! This App can run standalone (without Mi Fit installed) or it can be used in conjunction with the original Mi Fit App. Supported Android version: from 4.3 to 5.1+ Lollipop With the PRO version you can: - choose time interval to be reminded of unread notification until you read it or optionally reach maximum number of reminders - set vibration pattern and maximum number of vibrations repetitions - optionally, set time interval from hour to hour to be reminded of unread notification - optionally, set inclusive or exclusive content filter on text notification to notify only important' - TASKER support - CALL contacts customization PLEASE check here before updating your Mi Fit with the newer version to ensure this app supports it. LAST tested working App Mi Fit version: 1.7.112 LAST tested working firmware Mi Band version: Disclaimer: This App is in no way associated with Xiaomi. This app includes no warranty, to avoid incompatibility issues please check on Play Store description last compatible Mi Fit App version before update it. FAQ Question: App can't find mi band? Solution: Please try to pair your mi band with phone on original Mi Fit app (you have to tap on "Use MI Band to unlock this device" function), then retry this application. Question: High battery drain of mi band Solution: Please reduce use of vibration as it drains much battery than led. Question: App doesn't works correctly Solution: Please check you are not running any battery saver app like Greenify or similar. Also cm unlocker has been reported as incompatible for some users Users with Galaxy Note 3 Lollipop There is a common issue with bluetooth, please try this procedure: 1. Install Bluetooth auto connect by UniqTec: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.myklos.btautoconnect 2. Set profile: Health (HDP) 3. Set devices: MI to HEALTH (HDP) 4. Set events: Bluetooth ON, Device Disconnected ON, Device Connected ON 5. Restart the phone (flight mode on/off). For any other problem/suggestion email me mat90c@gmail.com If you want to translate this app in your language, download strings.xml file from https://www.dropbox.com/sh/5o69k17ote2h9tl/AAAw9I3targyfxuRueX2TX8Ea?dl=0 and email me the translation at mat90c@gmail.com Currently languages: - Catalan - Czech - German - Spanish - French - Hungarian - Italian - Korean - Polish - Portuguese - Russian - Slovak - Ukrainian - Chinese - Indonesian Thank for all contributors!

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