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Your amazing T-Gotchi! - Garage Heathen

Your amazing T-Gotchi! [Download]
Price : $2.00
Seller : Garage Heathen

Warning: This game may not be suitable for people with trauma or suicidal inclinations! MEET A NEW FRIEND! Has caring about a cute green anime girl always been the dream of your life? Well congratulations! You now have the ability to purchase a brand new T-Gotchi! Pay attention to her needs and she will be your most loyal friend! 8 ENDINGS Unlock unique endings, each better than the last! Remember: your choices matter! CARE ABOUT HER Have you ever felt the pain of losing a pet tamagotchi, because you forgot to give it some food? You don't want that to happen again, do you? So Feed, Wash and Talk to your T-Gotchi and don't let her die! The Android, iOS and other mobile platform copyright of the game in all China area have been transferred to Shenzhen Qianmo Interactive Network Technology 深圳阡陌互动网络科技有限公司

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